“The cloud was built for running open source,” Matt Wilson once told me, “which is why open source [has] worked so well in the cloud.”
While true, there’s something more...
As part of my role as a senior product marketing manager at an enterprise software company with an open source development model, I publish a regular update...
Read more: State of software engineering, JavaScript is the future, and more industry trends
Read more: The internet is hanging in there despite the coronavirus
“The cloud was built for running open source,” Matt Wilson once told me, “which is why open source [has] worked so well in the cloud.”
While true, there’s something more...
Read more: The relationship between paid and non-paid social
As schools and universities are shutting down around the globe due to COVID-19, many of us in academia are wondering how we can get up to speed...
Read more: 6 open source teaching tools for virtual classrooms
At least, it used to be that way. Winning the featuredRead more: Opting-Out of Google Featured Snippets Led to 12% Traffic Loss [SEO Experiment]
Read more: 10 Ways SEO will lead companies through COVID-19 business recovery