After a lengthy shipping delay, caused by COVID-19 limitations in China, the ARM-based Pinebook Pro 14" laptop is available again from Pine64. The device ships with a 64-Bit Dual-Core ARM 1.8GHz Cortex A72 and Quad-Core ARM 1.4GHz Cortex A53, with a quad-core MALI T-860 GPU, 4 GB LPDDR4 dual-channel system DRM, and 64 GB eMMC 5.0 internal storage.
The audience for the Pinebook Pro 14" is mostly those who want to experiment with Linux on Arm devices. In fact, Pine64 goes so far as to say, “Please do not order the Pinebook Pro if you’re seeking a substitute for your X86 laptop, or are just curious and you’re ordering it with an intent to file a return/refund return request. These pre-orders are meant for enthusiasts familiar with the Arm architecture and interested in the PineBook Pro for this specific reason.”
Other specs for the laptop include WiFi 802.11 AC, Bluetooth 5.0, one USB 3.0 and one USB 2.0 type A, one USB type C port, MicroSD card, headphone jack, built-in mic, full-sized ANSI (US-only) keyboard, multi-touch trackpad, 9600 mAH battery, a 14.1" IPS LCD display (at 1920 x 1080), and a 20-megapixel front-facing camera.
You can learn more about the Pinebook Pro 14" and purchase your own from the official Pine64 site[1]. The cost of the Pinebook Pro 14" is currently only $219.99 and the company makes zero profit from the devices, as the laptops are offered as a community service to the PINE64, Linux, and BSD communities.