30-second summary:

  • Keyword research is at the heart of understanding where your business stands and what your end-users expect
  • Surveying or monitoring your analytics is a great way of listening to your customers or readers for effective content ideas
  • Seasonality is a great way to find fresh content ideas by finding angles where your primary topic overlaps with seasonal interests
  • Collaborate and meet real people – use every opportunity (events, meetups, live sessions) to talk to people and listen to what they’d be interested in consuming
  • Use “question research” to understand the existing information gaps in the market
  • Re-package your old, better-performing content into new (updated) assets

If you feel like everything has already been written and you have no idea what else you can write about, here are six content ideas for you that help you come up with valuable and engaging content this year:

1. Use new keyword research tools

Keyword research is not just for SEO! They can give you in-depth insight into your audience’s interests, questions, and struggles. Research and address them in your content.

The key is to try a new tool from time to time. Why? Each tool uses a different data source or a different output or a different way to organize those keywords. Any of these will be enough to give you lots of content ideas.

Luckily, we have quite a few tools to choose from.


This tool will give you pretty much everything you need to create a good topic list. Or at least point you in the right direction. Look at the left-hand channel to find popular concepts around your main topic and build your content around those!

Content ideas - keyword research toolsSource: Screenshot by the author

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