There are plenty of good reasons to build your own personal website. Perhaps you'd like to share archival photos and documents with friends and family members, exhibit your prized baseball card collection, publish a novel, or simply blog about your life and travels. These are all good motivators to sign up for a reliable and reasonably priced web content-management toolset.
Beyond the free "personal" web pages offered by Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and other social networks -- in which your personal information becomes part of the network's lingua franca -- there are several excellent yet free or inexpensive web services that offer alternative ways to establish your own internet stake in the ground. These website-building products enable users to design, provision, and maintain a personal website in minutes or hours, depending upon how much time and effort one chooses to spend on the project.
Working with a website builder is relatively easy because they offer a what-you-see-is-what-you-get editing interface -- meaning what you see. At the same time, you edit your site is what you will actually see if your website was live and viewed in a browser. The best website builders are rich in