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Ahead of her MozCon Virtual 2021 presentation, Amanda Milligan walks through three components that can make your content newsworthy enough to attract links: data, emotion, and impact.
Don’t forget to grab your ticket to see Amanda's full presentation — A Live Guide to Finding & Filling the Gaps in Your Link Strategy — along with our other incredible speakers!
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Video Transcription
Hi, everyone. I am Amanda Milligan, the Growth Director at Fractl[2], and today I want to talk to you about how to make newsworthy content. My career has been in marketing and communications, but my degree was in journalism. So this is a topic that is near and dear to my heart.
So my MozCon presentation is actually on how to perform a link gap analysis, which basically means how to find out who your competitors are getting links from and then how to brainstorm how you can get similar links[3]. Well, when it comes to actually building those links, newsworthy content is the best way to do that. I'm going to talk to you about some of the elements that are really important in creating that type of content.
So first, data. Data is really crucial to this process because most of us do not have breaking news operations or full news rooms for our brand. We are not actual reporters.
This is not our full-time job. So we can't be just reporting on the newest thing that's happening. We almost have to create our own news by