I have a confession. I'm kind of a jerk on Facebook.

It's not that I have some fundamental desire to be a jerk, or I even like being a jerk; I just am a jerk. And when I say jerk, I mean opinionated.

On my own Facebook feed, I try to limit my posts and comments to food, science fiction stuff, random things my pets do, and links to my articles. This is because most people enjoy that. But I also participate in lots of groups, usually about restaurants, cooking, and food. 

Well, people don't like me in those groups. Why? Because people say really incorrect, misinformed things. They are just wrong; they opine about stuff in which they lack any kind of expertise. So when their opinions are wrong, I correct them civilly. I don't engage in ad hominem attacks; I don't break any group rules. 

Despite the fact what I do simply falls under knowledge transfer and adding value to the overall discussion, my tone is considered "attacking" due to my desire to correct people, as these folks fundamentally do not understand that civil discourse with tens of thousands of other people is not just forums to agree with everything everyone says. So I frequently am blocked by a lot of participants. I get reported a lot, too, because I am a big mean jerkface.

Facebook rarely contacts me with a "you did something that goes against our standards" message and removes a comment or a post. I've never been in Facebook jail or suspended. But on occasion, I do get thrown out of groups because a group administrator doesn't seem to know how to enforce their rules consistently, or I have just been deemed such a colossal pain in the ass

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