We condemn the horrific acts of hate and violence targeting the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community, which culminated in the tragic mass shooting in Georgia on March 17th. We mourn the loss of life and grieve with the families that have been broken by this latest racist, misogynistic hate crime.

This is not an isolated incident. We must acknowledge the widespread examples of violence and prejudice, bigotry, and intolerance that have been building for some time. We've seen attacks on elders in the Asian community. Children face bullying from peers. There has been workplace discrimination, street harassment, violence, and vandalism[1]. Since the beginning of the pandemic, hate crimes against Asians have increased tremendously[2]. Anti-Asian racism is not new, but it's been fueled by dangerous false rhetoric surrounding COVID-19. I challenge myself and my community to recognize the painful history of anti-Asian racism, to learn and understand the experience of AAPI individuals, and to use the power and privilege we have to stand up to bigotry.

Why are we discussing this now?

To do the work of combating hate in every corner of our society, we need to hold conversations about these issues, loudly and often. At Moz, we have a platform that allows us to shine a light on the darkness we're facing. We have privilege that allows us to confront the uncomfortable. Silence allows hatred to flourish; discussion and accountability weeds it from the root.

What can we all do to combat AAPI hate and support the AAPI community?

Hatred shrinks from bravery. If you witness someone experiencing anti-Asian sentiment or discrimination, use bystander intervention training[3] to inform your response. Intervene and educate friends and family that perpetuate harmful stereotypes, letting them know hatred cannot be tolerated.

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