OK, the other day someone suggested that I head over to eBay and, for a laugh, look for the largest advertised power bank I could find.
Within minutes I'd found one that claimed to be a whopping 9,000,000mAh, amazing since it's small, and a chunky power bank like the Zendure SuperTank Pro[1] is only 26,800mAh.
Oddly, the capacities topped out at 9 million mAh, and I couldn't find a 10 million mAh power bank. I'm not sure whether that would just be too ridiculous, or 9,000,000 looks bigger than 10,000,000.
Anyway, I had to buy one. I expected it to be bad. And £14 (about $20) and a few days later, I got what I deserved.
Check this out: Ditching LastPass? Here are some alternatives to try[2]
'9 million mAh' power bank[3] SEE FULL GALLERY[4]
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NEXT [5] PREV [6]Before I show you the power bank, it's was curious how the eBay listing goes to lengths to explain why the power bank doesn't have a capacity rating printed on it.
OK, the power bank. It's the typical cheapo power bank with a solar panel and some rubber around the edges to make it look rugged. Beyond this, there's nothing about the power bank that's designed to prevent water or dirt ingress.
It has a single microUSB port for charging, along with two USB-A output ports. It has a 9-LED flashlight on the back, and some cheap rubber flaps cover the ports.
On stripping it apart, I found the typical circuit board for these kinds of power banks (the board has