Middle aged male recruiter listening to young female job applicant.
Yes, I love Bridgerton. You don't? Getty Images/iStockphoto

With the inauguration of President Joe Biden, everyone's talking about returning to normal.

Which definitely has its humorous side.

So many people have now been stuck to their homes and their screens that the world out there seems like nothing more than an augmented reality game.

Working from home[1] is the future, many believe. As if it doesn't have its limitations.

Here's the story, then, of a woman who was asked to go to a job interview in the Netherlands. In person. This, in itself, seems like a non-normal event.

Still, as TipsyTraveler told her tale on Reddit[2], she was nervous as her interviewer, the CEO of the company, approached.

"He (50ish/M) walked down the stairs towards me, in his nice suit, but stopped halfway down," she said. "I figured the interview would take place upstairs, so I got up to meet him. And as I was walking up the stairs towards him, he put his arm up.. and his elbow out."

Even after almost a year of COVID-19[3], I'm not sure everyone would recognize this gesture. Tipsy, in her nervousness, clearly wasn't sure.

"I suppose it could have only meant two things," she explained. "It could have meant (A) 'Please take my arm, milady, so I can escort you to the room as if we're strolling down the promenade together', or (B) 'Please give me an elbow bump, since we can't shake hands', which is really not an uncommon gesture at all in the Netherlands."

You know where this is going, but please let me take you by the arm and lead you there anyway.

Tipsy revealed: "I went with option A

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