
A letter to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos signed by hundreds of elected officials from around the world has asked his company pay up.

401 parliamentarians and public officials from 34 countries put their name to the letter[1] titled Make Amazon Pay. It called on Bezos to put Amazon's profits towards paying workers, paying taxes, and paying to help counter any damage it's caused to the planet.

"We, elected representatives and public officials from around the world, hereby put you on notice that Amazon's days of impunity are over," the letter began.

"In short, we write to you now with a single commitment: To Make Amazon Pay."

See also: US antitrust probe finds 'alarming pattern' of innovation-stifling practices[2]

The letter also cited action taken last week by employees, activists, and citizens to demand justice from the tech giant. The signatories said they pledged to stand with this movement in every congress, parliament, and statehouse they represent.

"The world knows that Amazon can afford to pay its workers, its environmental cost, and its taxes. And yet -- time and again -- you have dodged and dismissed your debts to workers, societies, and the planet," the letter continued.

The letter takes aim at Amazon for "undermining democracies and their capacity to respond to collective challenges".

"Your monopolistic practices have squeezed small businesses, your web services have disrespected data rights, and you have contributed a pittance in return," the letter read, noting that in 2017 and 2018, Amazon paid zero US federation corporation tax.

"Through your global tax dodging, you damage the public provision of health, education, housing, social security, and infrastructure."

With warehouse strikes[3] and reports that workers were being hassled to meet Prime Day quotas[4], the letter

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