I have a love/hate relationship with Google Chrome.

On the one hand, I love it a lot. I love the broad ecosystem of extensions, and the compatibility across all the devices I use, regardless of operating system. It's less a browser and more a platform for all I do online.

But I also hate it. It's a massive performance hog (and I'm an Adobe Creative Cloud user, so that' saying something). It devours RAM by the gigabyte, and can bring even the most robust of systems to its knees.

I've done a lot to optimize the browser (and regular readers will know how much I've researched this topic), but I still manage to hit hard walls of limitations that get in the way of me getting my work done.

So, I've finally given in and I'm doing the unthinkable. I'm paying to make Google Chrome faster and use less RAM.

Must read: 10 cool and useful gadgets that make great last-minute gifts, all under $50[1]

Get a better Google Chrome experience with...[2] SEE FULL GALLERY[3]

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So, who am I paying? Google? No. I've taken out a subscription to Partizion[6].

What is Partizion?

Partizion is a plugin that allows me to condense down my myriad of tabs into workspaces (think home, work, plans, hobbies), and then further refine and distill that down to collections (so maybe email, social media, research, etc). The workspaces allow me to shift between what I'm working on quickly, while collections allow me to open and close a bundle of tabs with as little as a click.

Another massive timesaving feature is that I can also choose to

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