Launching a new business can fell like a daunting undertaking, but every one of the world's most successful businesses was launched with a leap into the unknown.
So if Day 1 has to come some time, it might as well be today.
Through his life as an entrepreneur and investor, Steve Baxter has seen countless new ventures spring to life, and has observed the factors that are common amongst the successful ones. And he says it is not when a business launches that matters the most, but rather, how it launches.
"It's always a good time to start a business, provided you do it in a smart way," Baxter says. "And a smart way is to make sure you have a good network to help you launch that business, and you know enough about what you are doing."
This idea of having a smart support network is seconded by Margie Warrell, author of the top selling book on building confidence, You've Got This.
Warrell says having a mentor is a good starting point, although she stresses that different people may play that role at different times.
"So when we talk about a mentor, it could be someone who has walked the path ahead of the you and is a great sounding board because they are a serial entrepreneur," she says. "Or it could be someone that knows about a particular market or a particular product, or they know how to get funding.
"So just be mindful that you might have several people serving in the role of mentors in different ways."
Another critical factor when launching a business is to do so with a plan, although Warrell cautions that any plan needs to be flexible to cater for changing market developments.
"So make a plan, but make it in pencil,