Apple will hold its third special event in as many months on Tuesday, Nov 10. Invites for the event, titled "One More Thing," were sent out on Nov. 2. It's the first time Apple has held an event this late in the year and follows previous events -- where a new iPad Air, Apple Watch, and the iPhone 12 lineup were revealed.
The only thing left for Apple to talk about at this point is the Mac, Big Sur, and the switch to Apple Silicon.
What's in store for Apple's "One More Thing" event and how can you watch it? We lay it all out for you below.
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When is the Apple event?
Apple will hold its next event on Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2020.
Keynote start time:
- 10am PDT on the US West coast
- 1pm EDT on the US East coast
- 6pm BST in the UK
- 7pm CEST in Central Europe
- 1am CST in Beijing
- 2am JST in Japan
- 3am AEST in Sydney
How to watch the Apple event
As Apple has done during the pandemic, the event will be streamed online, with no in-person attendance. The previous events have been pre-recorded and had the look and feel of a really long commercial.
You can stream the event a number of different ways:
- Apple channel on YouTube:[2] Apple has already published the YouTube placeholder for the Apple Silicon event. You can stream the event on any device that has YouTube by searching for Apple's channel and finding the event.
- Apple Event website:[3] You don't have to use YouTube -- you can watch the event directly on Apple's Event website on your computer, phone, or tablet. Just make sure your web browser -- Safari, Chrome,