A bigger idea? Or a little small? Samsung

It can be frustrating being Samsung[1].

You come up with all these innovations, then Apple[2] copies them as if they'd never heard of Samsung.

Not too long ago, it got so bad that Samsung had to present an elegant (if one-sided) mockery[3] of how Apple has always been a laggard to modernity.

But what can Samsung say now that the deliriously reviewed iPhone 12[4] cohort has emerged? 

An expression of dulled admiration, perhaps? A suggestion that Samsung has already been there, done that and not sold as many phones as it had hoped?

Not at all.

Instead, Samsung wants you to know that Apple is still so, so far behind the times that the times don't need to look over the shoulder to see where Apple is.

Here, you see, is Samsung's Dutch arm offering a dagger into the very heart, the very soul of Apple. In an ad[5] timed to enter the heads of all those ordering their new iPhones, Samsung presents a wealthy graffiti artist.

I know this is no downscale Banksy because he's got a Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2[6]. Yours for $1,999.

How he got one, I've no idea. My last effort to find one resulted in a nice store display, but no actual phone[7].

Still, here he is coming upon a Galaxy Z Fold 2 billboard that, unaccountably, has stolen Apple's most revered tagline: Think Different.

If Apple's lawyers ever received wind of such a thing, they might all take a vacation in French Polynesia just to congregate and discuss how much they could sue Samsung for.

Our paint-sprayer is bold, even though he

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