August 2020 marked an important milestone in the Joomla's story.
In fact, on August 17, the Community celebrated the 15th birthday of our beloved CMS and Open Source Project.

Fifteen years of work, commits, pull requests, comments, suggestions, improvements, releases, initiatives and much more.

Joomla is unique in the CMS scenario, not being backed by any financial corporation and being operated only by the passion and the hard-work of its volunteers.
We should be grateful for the long list of people who contributed over the years to Joomla, from its founders who had the courage to fork from Mambo and created this amazing Project and its Community.

The Marketing Team prepared a short video to celebrate the Joomla's Birthday:

Also, some limited series products have been added to the Joomla Shop[1] for the occasion.

This edition of the Joomla Community Magazine features an article about 15 milestones accomplished in 15 years, an interview to Sander and Roland who brought the Joomla! Identity Portal to life.

The developer of J! Extensions Store, Marco Biagioni, told us the progress of making his extensions compatible with Joomla 4.

Anja de Crom interviewed David Jardin, fellow Joomler and lead of the Security Strike Team.

The Joomla Accessibility Team presented some resources and templates to make accessibile Joomla 3.x.

The "legal feature" of the magazine this month hosts an article about the impacts of the invalidation of the US-EU Privacy Shield.

Patrick Jackson started a series of articles to discover the new APIs and Web Services in Joomla 4.

Holger Kremers presented the "Kids Build Websites" initiative

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