30-second summary:

  • Cross-reference what businesses think their target audience is versus their current reality through Google Analytics .
  • Create mock-up personas that you can target your campaigns towards. 
  • Identify key outlets and niches for where your audience consumes media beyond the narrow focus of the business.
  • Blueclaw’s Online PR Campaign Manager shines a light on how audience insights can catalyze your campaign results for good.

When we build marketing campaigns, we use a number of metrics to measure success, from the extent of coverage and links to the shift in keyword rankings in the SERPs. However, this ultimately glosses over the real purpose of any campaign – how it improves the bottom line.  

Again, this can be interpreted in a myriad of ways from CTR to sales. In this case, we’re going to focus on how getting the campaign in front of the right audience is an important piece of the puzzle in determining success. 

1. Identifying your audience

When identifying your audience, there should be a two-pronged approach. Firstly, there is the audience, or customer, as identified by the brand. As in any business, the brand will have spotted an opportunity in the market and target their products towards that audience. However, this does not necessarily marry with whom their audience ends up being online.  

This can be due to the fact that clientele has changed since the business’s inception while the product has not, or it can be that the strategy is not targeted enough. So the best way to identify the audience is to look at the available data to create a mockup of who you should be marketing towards.  

The Google Analytics way

One way to do this is, of course, through Google Analytics. Through GA you can go to audiences and filter through to create a

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