May is about to end and it's being a period very rich of news in the Joomla sphere.

Our passionate volunteers are working to make the Joomla 4 Beta release happen within this month, as well as the Community is going to gather virtually for 24 hours at JandBeyond on May 30th[1].

In this edition of the Magazine we are pleased to continue some of the features we introduced recently: "Meet a Joomler", "Leadership Interviews" and "Community Openings".

We are thrilled to welcome as author Donata Kalnenaite, Joomla's Compliance Team Leader, who wrote 3 articles about Data Privacy and Regulations, restarting the GDPR/Privacy series of articles initiated a couple of years ago.

In this issue, the team is glad to offer a variety of articles and topics, from Joomla 4 to the Community, from data privacy and ownership to a showcase, from a GitHub tutorial to a Call for Authors.

A new series of articles about Joomla 4 and the process to get extensions and templates ready for the new Major release started in this issue and will be a stable feature until Joomla 4's stable.

Browse the "Community Openings" article to check the available positions in the Joomla Teams, where help is needed.


The release of this issue would not have been possible without the huge work of the JCM Team and the authors, so here’s the list of people who deserve a “Thank you” for bringing May's issue to life and I am really proud to have the chance to work with them.

Contributed to this issue:
Andrea Gentil (Editor), Anja de Crom (Staff Writer), Wilco

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