How encryption can enhance your SEO ranking

Two of the biggest continuum any business faces are how to rank high and how to maintain the ranking. Incidentally for both, you are indirectly dependent on search engines and hackers. However, the question is, for how long do you want to continue being dependent? 

On one hand, you have both on-page technical best practices and off-page methods to enhance your ranking, while you can use encryption to fight cybercriminals.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

SEO for all intents and purposes shouldn’t be about only performing on-page technical best practices. You also need to come up with out-of-the-box ideas that will enhance your website’s visibilities.

In as much as social media is a means of communication, it shouldn’t ordinarily improve organic search rankings[1]. But be as it may, you need social media platforms to share your content since your website alone cannot give you the required reach.

You need social media platforms to boost traffic to your site as well as to enhance the profile. While the business world is still grappling with whether Google looks at social signals when determining the rank of a web page, the fact remains that if a large number people are able to share your content on social media, then it’s expected that more people will link to it, and links are a hugely important SEO ranking factor[2].

On the other hand, Google according to an article[3], as of October 2019, Google dominated US search queries but Bing was also able to achieve more search in a fair share. This should be interesting to marketers because according to Bing[4], social media plays a role in today’s effort to rank well in search results.

Whether you are grappling with on-page technical best practices or off-page methods

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