Apple on Wednesday took the next step in pulling the plug on the once-prolific Adobe Flash. With the latest release[1] of Safari Technology Preview, Flash is no longer supported.
Introduced[2] in 2016, Safari Technology Preview gives users an early look at upcoming web technologies in macOS and iOS. It's a standalone app that works alongside the latest version of Safari.
The death of Adobe Flash has been years in the making. Back in 2017, Adobe announced it would stop supporting Flash by 2020. Along with Apple[3], Microsoft, Google and Mozilla all announced their plans for retiring [4]the technology in their respective browsers.
Flash was once ubiquitous on the web -- the Flash runtime was installed 500 million times in the second half of 2013[5].
Apple users, however, have been experiencing the web without Flash for a while. The iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch never supported it. Meanwhile, Apple stopped pre-installing it on Macs in 2010.