Well, folks, it's that time of year again. It's hard to believe we've already gone another turn around the ol' sun. But I've consulted my analytics data and made my SQL queries, and I'm here today to present to you the list of the top Moz Blog posts of 2019!

For a little perspective, we published 207 blog posts, averaging out to about 4 per week. Out of those 207, the twenty-five I'm sharing with you below were the most-read pieces of the year. If you're strapped for time (and who isn't in our industry?), survey says these are the articles that aren't to be missed. And bonus — a good chunk of them are videos, so bring out the chocolate popcorn and settle down to watch!

(If chocolate popcorn sounds new and unfamiliar to you, I implore you to check out the Cinerama[1] in Seattle's Belltown neighborhood the next time you're in town for MozCon[2]. It is life-changing. Get the mix of regular and chocolate and never, ever look back.)

I'll be sharing the top keywords each post ranks for according to Keyword Explorer[3], too, to give you some idea of why these posts have continued to be favorites throughout the year. Gotta love that "Explore by Site" feature — it makes my job way too easy sometimes! ;-)

(For the Keyword Explorer nerds in the audience, I'll be filtering the rankings to positions 1–3 and organizing them by highest monthly search volume. I want to see what we're ranking highly for that gets lots of eyeballs!)

Ready to get started? I sure am. Let's dive in.

1. On-Page SEO for 2019 - Whiteboard Friday[4]

Britney Muller[5], January 4th

57,404 reads

Top keywords according to Keyword Explorer: 

Read more from our friends at the Moz Blog