If you're one of the many marketers that shares your content on Facebook, Twitter, and Linked before calling it good and moving on, this Whiteboard Friday is for you. In a super actionable follow-up to his MozCon 2019 presentation[1], Ross Simmonds reveals how to go beyond the mediocre when it comes to your content distribution plan, reaching new audiences in just the right place at the right time.
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What's going on, Whiteboard Friday fans? My name is Ross Simmonds from Foundation Marketing[2], and today we're going to be talking about how to develop a content distribution playbook that will drive meaningful and measurable results for your business.
What is content distribution and why does it matter?
First and foremost, content distribution is the thing that you need to be thinking about if you want to combat the fact that it is becoming harder and harder than ever before to stand out as a content marketer, as a storyteller, and as a content creator in today's landscape. It's getting more and more difficult to rank for content. It's getting more and more difficult to get organic reach through our social media channels, and that is why content distribution is so important.
You are facing a time when organic reach on social continues to drop more and more, where the ability to rank is becoming even more difficult because you're competing against more ad space. You're competing against more featured snippets. You're competing against more companies. Because content marketers have screamed at the top of their lungs that content is king and the world has listened, it is becoming more and more difficult to stand