You need to up your YouTube optimization game when you’ve got awesome video content but poor traffic.
In case you haven’t heard, video marketing has been experiencing a near-meteoric rise over the last few years. Online video[1] has now overtaken television as the preferred medium for watching videos, while around five billion videos[2] are watched on YouTube each day.
It’s important to note that simply having great content isn’t enough. To make sure your videos are seen by more people and easy to discover, you have to optimize them.
This is where SEO comes in. The good news is that YouTube is already the second biggest search engine in the world, which means you can be sure that your audience will find you if you do the right things.
In this article, we’re going to give you some of our tried and tested tips on how to optimize your video marketing strategy on YouTube.
Title your video with keywords
Your title is essentially what makes people want to click your video. It has to be brief, direct, compelling and it has to let your viewers know exactly what the video is all about.
For example: “How To Create Affirmations” as seen in the video below.
To fully optimize your video so that both your audience and the YouTube SEO algorithm knows what it’s all about, you need to add keywords.
Finding the right keywords for your video is pretty easy. Begin by typing a title you have in mind, for example, “How to design a logo” – into the search bar, before taking advantage of the auto-complete feature. Basically, YouTube suggests results that are the