If you are using Facebook’s Ads Manager, campaign budget optimization[1] (CBO) will become mandatory for all ad campaigns as of September 1, 2019.
If you are using an API tool like AdRules, you have until September 2020 before it is mandatory.
If you do any advertising on Facebook, you will be affected by this change. It will apply to both new and existing ad campaigns.
If you don’t want a rude awakening on September 1 when CBO activates in Ads Manager and your Facebook campaigns start to behave very differently, you need to start testing campaign budget optimization[2] now.
While nobody likes mandatory, sudden changes, this is not all doom and gloom. There are some considerable upsides to CBO. You will have to give up some control over your campaigns after September first, but with CBO:
1. You’ll have less to manage
If you spend hours adjusting bids every week, or if you pay someone else to adjust bids every week, much of that bid optimization[3] work will be over.
When campaign budget optimization is activated in Ads Manager, Facebook automatically shifts the ad budget to whichever ad set in a campaign is most effective. You get to control the definition of what “effective” means by specifying a goal for each campaign. Goals that are fairly late in your sales funnel, like a purchase or a download, tend to work best with CBO.
Because all that bid management work will be done by the Facebook algorithm, you may be able to hire less expensive people to manage your campaigns or have your team members work on more networks or accounts. Or, if you’ve been