When you work with large clients whose sites comprise thousands (or hundreds of thousands) of pages, it's a daunting task to add the necessary markup. In today's Whiteboard Friday, we welcome Sergey Stefoglo to share his framework for delivering JSON-LD recommendations in a structured and straightforward way.
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Video Transcription
Hello, Moz fans. My name is Serge. I'm a consultant at Distilled, and this is another edition of Whiteboard Friday. Today I want to take the next few minutes to talk to you about one of my processes for delivering JSON-LD recommendations.
Now it's worth noting upfront that at Distilled we work with a lot of large clients that have a lot of pages on their website, thousands, hundreds of thousands of pages. So if you work at an agency that works with local businesses or smaller clients, this process may be a bit overkill, but I hope you find some use in it regardless.
So as I mentioned, oftentimes at Distilled we get clients that have hundreds and thousands of pages on their site, and you can imagine if your point of contact comes to you and essentially asks, "Hey, we don't have any markup on our site. Can you recommend all of the JSON-LD on all the pages, please?" If you're anything like me, that could be a bit daunting, right, like that's a big ask. Your wheels start spinning so to speak, and oftentimes that leads to a little bit of unproductivity. So I hope this process kind of helps get you unstuck and get started and get to work.
Step 1: List out all the page templates
The first step in this