In May, Google[1] announced the launch of a new website aimed at explaining how they serve and address news across Google properties and platforms.
The site, How News Works[2], states Google’s mission as it relates to disseminating news in a non-biased manner. The site aggregates a variety of information about how Google crawls, indexes, and ranks news stories as well as how news can be personalized for the end user.
How News Works provides links to various resources within the Google news ecosystem all in one place and is part of The Google News Initiative[3].
What is The Google News Initiative?
The Google News Initiative (GNI) is Google’s effort to work with news industry professionals to “help journalism thrive in the digital age.” The GNI is driven and summarized by the GNI website which provides information about a variety of initiatives and approaches within Google including:
- How to work with Google (e.g., partnership opportunities, training tools, funding opportunities)
- A list of current partnerships and case studies
- A collection of programs and funding opportunities for journalists and news organizations
- A catalog of Google products relevant to journalists
Google attempts to work with the news industry in a variety of ways. For example, it provides funding opportunities to help journalists from around the world.
Google is now accepting applications (through mid-July) from North American[4] and Latin American[5] applicants to help fund projects that “drive digital innovation and develop new business models.” Applicants who meet Google’s specified criteria (and are selected) will be awarded up to $300,000 in funding (for U.S. applicants) or $250,000 (for Latin American