Is your landing page engaging your target customers? How can you increase ROI without increasing marketing budget? Both of these questions can be answered by a well set on-site analytics routine.
You cannot improve what you are not measuring. This makes web analytics the most important growth tactic out there.
But are we measuring enough?
Most digital marketers out there believe they are already incorporating web analytics by using Google Analytics and monitoring daily traffic sources.
While Google Analytics is a great platform, there’s much more into web analytics than using one platform (especially if you are not technical enough to make use of event tracking).
As technology is evolving, you need to always be looking for more and more ways to analyze your page performance to discover new growth opportunities and understand your target customers better.
Here are a few on-site analytics ideas for you to experiment with:
Conversion optimization analytics
These questions will lead you to stats that provide actionable insights about your page and user behavior.
Are your on-page CTAs engaging your page users?
The purpose of conversion tracking is to analyze which of your on-page calls-to-action engage your customers best.
There are several events and conversion tracking solutions out there, including the most obvious one, Google Analytics.
Further reading:
But you know that I love newer less-discussed tools[1] that can bring an innovative perspective or method to the table.
Finteza is a free web analytics platform that focuses on monitoring and analyzing conversions. The unique feature of Finteza is its unique conversion analysis that shows how your customers are engaging with each step inside your conversion funnel.