The Fedora project has announced the release[1] of Fedora Linux 30. Fedora is a free, Red-Hat-sponsored community Linux that serves as a test bed for technologies that will eventually appear in Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
The latest release arrives with a realignment of some of the various Fedora versions. The former Cloud and Server editions are combined into the new Fedora Server. Fedora’s Atomic Host container-focused variant is replaced by Fedora CoreOS. (Red Hat acquired CoreOS back in 2018.)
Fedora 30 comes with Gnome 3.32, GCC 9, Bash 5.0, and PHP 7.3. The server edition adds a new feature called Linux System Roles, which the project describes as “… a collection of roles and modules executed by Ansible to assist Linux admins in the configuration of common GNU/Linux subsystems.”
The Fedora project also sponsors a number of alternative desktop editions known as Spins[2], and the project maintains versions for the ARM AArch 64, Power, and S390x architectures, as well as the standard versions for Intel-equivalent systems.
- ^ announced the release (
- ^ known as Spins (