News briefs for March 29, 2019.

The Ubuntu team announced the beta pre-release of the Ubuntu 19.04 "Disco Dingo"[1] Desktop, Server and Cloud products. The beta release also includes images for Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu Budgie, UbuntuKylin, Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Studio and Xubuntu. Note that "The beta images are known to be reasonably free of showstopper CD build or installer bugs, while representing a very recent snapshot of 19.04 that should be representative of the features intended to ship with the final release expected on April 18th, 2019." To upgrade to the beta from Ubuntu 18.10, follow the instructions here[2] And to download the images, go here[3].

New artwork is coming for Mageia 7. The Mageia blog[4] announced that the voting has concluded they are beginning to integrate the new artwork into Mageia 7 in preparation for its release. You can see the winning photographs here[5].

Zorin recently announced the release of the next major version of the OS: Zorin OS 15 beta. From the Zorin Blog[6]: "Every aspect of the user experience has been re-considered and refined in this new release, from how apps are installed, to how you get work done, to how it interacts with the devices around you. The result is a desktop experience that combines the most powerful desktop technology with the most user-friendly design." Note that this is a pre-release and not recommended for use on production machines. You can download the beta here[7].

vChain recently released CodeNotary, a "global, de-centralized, blockchain secured" alternative to code-signing certificates. CTO and co-founder of vChain writes, "We at vChain, created CodeNotary to protect your hard work, increase user confidence and trust without spending a fortune. If you provide non-commercial software we provide a life-long free license of CodeNotary." See these two articles "vcn command line

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