News briefs for March 28, 2019.

LF Networking[1] yesterday announced the release of OpenDaylight Neon[2]. From the press release[3], "The Linux Foundation's first networking project and now part of LFN, OpenDaylight was founded in 2013 as an open source framework to accelerate adoption, foster innovation, and create a more open and transparent approach to SDN. Today, ODL has become the most pervasive open source SDN controller that helps power over 1B global network subscribers. Its 10th release, OpenDaylight Neon, demonstrates industry commitment to fostering an open, scalable and interoperable networking solution and supporting ecosystem of developers, integrators, and users."

Debian is welcoming applicants for Outreachy and GSoC[4]. The application period for the May 2019 to August 2019 round of Outreachy[5] has been extended until April 2, and Debian offers the following projects: "Continuous Integration for biological applications inside Debian", "Debian Continuous Integration: user experience improvements" and "Reproducible Builds". See Debian's Outreachy Wiki page[6] for more information on how to apply. The application period for Google Summer of Code[7] is open until April 9th. Students should see Debian's GSoC Wiki[8] for more information on how to submit their applications.

The Odroid-N2 SBC has gone on sale for $63 (2GB RAM) or $79 (4GB) and will begin shipping on April 3. LinuxGizmos reports[9] that this open-spec SBC from Harkernel "features a powerful new system-on-chip that has yet to appear on an open-spec hacker board: the Amlogic S922X." In addition, the Odroid-N2 "is available with 64-bit Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with Linux 4.9.162 LTS and Android 9 Pie 'with full source code BSP and pre-built image together.'" See Hardkernel's $63 (2GB RAM)[10] and $79 (4GB)[11] pages and the Odroid-N2 Wiki[12] for more details.

CloudFlare launches "BoringTun", a Rust-written WireGuard userspace implementation.

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