Eight tips to get the most from your Facebook page in 2019

Among all social channels, Facebook is the one that has the most monthly active users, 2.23 billion.

This means more than 20% of the world’s population[1] is active on Facebook every month.

Can you guess how many Facebook pages exist? 50 million? 60? 70?

Not correct.

As of May 2018, there were more than 80 million Facebook business pages[2].

And we as marketers have to try to be more unique than the other 79,999,999 marketers. Yeah, probably that sounds something impossible. Well, instead of being different, let’s try to give the best value we can to our audience.

Eight effective tips to help you as a marketer to get the most from your Facebook business page for 2019

1. Get rid of promotional content and make more educational, fun content

When people start complaining that their page posts are not getting enough engagement, I just take my phone, search their business name on Facebook and start analyzing their latest posts.

Post number 1: Promotional

Post number 2: Promotional

Post number 3: Promotional

And I’m like, well, you really think, that the people who’ve liked your page are interested in seeing only promotional and sales oriented posts from your page? And they’re like, “Hmm, what else should we post, if we just want to get new sales for our business by using Facebook?”

In such cases, I start explaining to people that users really don’t like seeing such kinds of posts because their feed is already filled with so many ads, that advertisers put on Facebook for promoting their products or services.

Promotional content isn’t something, that will engage your customers and make them

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