How to speed up SEO analysis API advantages for SEO experts (with bonus)

Who can argue that building an SEO strategy is not a time-consuming thing? Keyword research, niche analysis, technical audit, link building — all these tasks are just a small part of an SEO’s daily routine.

Willing to automate search engine optimization processes, experts use special tools and software. But it’s not always sufficient when analyzing the results

Of course, solving some basic issues for a small website isn’t that difficult with quality SEO tools. On the other hand, if you work with several sites and analyze lots of data, you’ll need to find ways of saving your time. At this point, people may look into implementing other methods into their working process. Here usually come various SEO extensions and plugins. They are very convenient as you can activate them in one click right from the page you’re analyzing.

However, extensions often have even fewer features than the SEO tool itself. If taking a closer look at the issue, there’s one more decision to be found. I’m talking about APIs, the method few people know how to use, missing the opportunity to benefit a lot. In this article, I’ll tell you what an API is, why you need it, and how to use it to fulfill SEO tasks.

What is an API?

API stands for an application programming interface. It’s a set of functions that lets users get access to the data or components of the tool. In other words, an API is a set of methods of communication among several applications.

APIs may serve for various purposes. For instance, developers often use them to embed some objects into websites. If you see a piece of Google Maps on a site, it means that the Google Map

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