Retail clients are battling tough economics offline and tough competitors online. They need every bit of help your agency can give them.
I was heartened when 75 percent of the 1,400+ respondents to the Moz State of Local SEO Industry Report 2019[1] shared that they contribute to offline strategy recommendations either frequently or at least some of the time. I can’t think of a market where good and relatively inexpensive experiments are more needed than in embattled retail. The ripple effect of a single new idea, offered up generously, can spread out to encompass new revenue streams for the client and new levels of retention for your agency.
And that’s why win-win seemed written all over three statistics from a 2018 Yes Marketing retail survey[2] when I read it because they speak to motivating about one quarter to half of 1,000 polled customers without going to any extreme expense. Take a look:
I highly recommend downloading Yes Marketing’s complete survey[3] which is chock-full of great data, but today, let’s look at just three valuable stats from it to come up with an actionable strategy you can gift your offline retail clients at your next meeting.
Getting it right: A little market near me
For the past 16 years, I’ve been observing the local business scene with a combination of professional scrutiny and personal regard. I’m inspired by businesses that open and thrive and am saddened by those that open and close.
Right now, I’m especially intrigued by a very small, independently-owned grocery store which set up shop last year in what I’ll lovingly describe as a rural, half-a-horse town not far from me. This locale has a single main street with