Here at Search Engine Watch we know that video content is a great way to achieve and maintain visibility online, as well as being a successful means for providing engaging content for followers and prospective customers.
A quick look at our Twitter feed[1] is testament to that.
Last month I argued that YouTube channels[2] could – and should – be optimized in much the same way as our videos and websites.
And Ann Smarty’s 5 YouTube optimization tips to improve your video rankings[3] is worth a look if you want to ensure your videos are really sticking out from the crowd.
But in 2019 are there any other considerations for ensuring that our videos are visible?
We know that Google frequently tweaks its algorithm and we should assume that YouTube does too. We also know the habits of searchers and viewers change as time passes.
Today I want to turn our attention to video search visibility in the mobile context. After all, most of our search activity is mobile and most of our video viewing activity is as well. How should this affect the way we approach SEO for our video content?
How much search activity is mobile?
US-centric statistics from Statista show just how much the mobile share of organic searches has grown[4] in the past few years.
During Q3 2013 27% of searches were made on mobile compared to 73% on desktop, but by Q3 2018 things were firmly weighted the other way.
Now, at least 56% of searches are being accounted for by mobile.
How much video viewing is mobile?
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