This post was originally published on the STAT[1] blog.

In this article, we're taking a deep dive into search intent.

It's a topic we've covered before with some depth. This STAT whitepaper[2] looked at how SERP features respond to intent, and a few bonus blog posts broke things down even further and examined how individual intent modifiers impact SERP features[3], the kind of content that Google serves[4] at each stage of intent, and how you can set up your very own search intent projects[5]. (And look out for Seer's[6] very own Scott Taft's upcoming post this week on how to use STAT[7] and Power BI[8] to create your very own search intent dashboard.)

Search intent is the new demographics, so it only made sense to get up close and personal with it. Of course, in order to bag all those juicy search intent tidbits, we needed a great intent-based keyword list. Here’s how you can get your hands on one of those.

Gather your core keywords

First, before you can even think about intent, you need to have a solid foundation of core keywords in place. These are the products, features, and/or services that you’ll build your search intent funnel around.

But goodness knows that keyword list-building is more of an art than a science, and even the greatest writers (hi, Homer) needed to invoke the muses (hey, Calliope) for inspiration, so if staring at your website isn’t getting the creative juices flowing, you can look to a few different places for help.

Snag some good suggestions from keyword research tools

Lots of folks like to use the Google Keyword Planner

Read more from our friends at the Moz Blog