Kubernetes: The smart person's guide [1]
Kubernetes is a series of open source projects for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Find out why the ecosystem matters, how to use it, and more.
First, Docker transformed how we ran applications.[3] Then, Kubernetes[4] changed how we managed containers. Now, the open-source project Istio[5] is building on both to add a network service mesh[6].
Istio is built on the open-source Envoy proxy[7]. This service mesh enables microservices sharing distributed applications to communicate and work with one another. As Matt Klein, Envoy's creator wrote, Istio provides modern microservice and cloud-native applications with a "unified control plane[8] that ties the pieces together in a coherent way."
Istio also enables DevOps. In a soon-to-be-released blog, Google Cloud[9]'s Eric Brewer, VP Infrastructure, and Eyal Manor, VP of Engineering, point out that Istio provides vital DevOps framework "such as a common system for monitoring, logging, authorization, and billing."
Also: Kubernetes: The smart person's guide[10] TechRepublic
Brewer and Manor go on: "You need tools to manage the collection of microservices, and to ensure consistent policies across them. More importantly, these policies need to be decoupled from the individual services, so that they can be more uniform and updated independently of the services."
Istio does this at the network level. By working over the network, Istio makes it easy to integrate microservices with load balancing, service-to-service authentication, monitoring, and