News briefs for November 15, 2018.
Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+[1] is now available: "you can now get the 1.4GHz clock speed, 5GHz wireless networking and improved thermals of Raspberry Pi 3B+ in a smaller form factor, and at the smaller price of $25." You can order one here[2]. The blog post notes that cases for the RPi 3 Model A+ will be available early next month.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Beta makes its debut[3]. RHEL 8 Beta features hundreds of improvements and several new features. One highlight is the introduction of "the concept of Application Streams to deliver userspace packages more simply and with greater flexibility". It also supports "more efficient Linux networking in containers through IPVLAN", has several security enhancements and more.
The LF Deep Learning Foundation (a project of the Linux Foundation) yesterday announced the first software release of the Acumos AI Project[4], Athena. From the press release: "Acumos AI is a platform and open source framework that makes it easy to build, share and deploy AI applications. Acumos AI standardizes the infrastructure stack and components required to run an out-of-the-box general AI environment. This frees data scientists and model trainers to focus on their core competencies and accelerate innovation." See the full release notes here[5].
Google's Project Fi has launched a new project allowing users to route all traffic through a Google-run VPN. According to The Verge[6], "your traffic will be going to Google's servers, so Google will be able to see what you're visiting." However, Google has said it isn't tying traffic to accounts or phone numbers or "any other user identifiers". The traffic also will be encrypted.
Linux Deepin 15.8 was released[7] today. The Deepin team notes that the "new release is featured with newly designed control center,