News briefs for October 26, 2018.

A painting created by an open-source neural network sold this week for $432K at a London auction house. Obvious[1] is the group behind the work that "used 19-year-old Robbie Barrat's GAN package, available here[2] on Github, and sourced paintings from Wiki Commons" to create the painting. See the post on TNW[3] for details on the "first portrait ever sold at auction that was made with the assistance of an AI".

The SELKS5 beta, the live and installable network security management ISO based on Debian, was released today. New features include the latest Suricata intrusion-detection engine, major upgrade from Elasticsearch/Kibana/Logstash (ELK) 5.x to the ELK 6 stack, Scirius 3.0 and more. See the release announcement[4] for download links, setup instructions and a visual tour.

Mirantis recently announced its new Mirantis Cloud Platform Edge (MCP Edge), a "Kubernetes-based effort to enable containers and virtual machines to run at the edge of the network", eWeek reports[5]. MCP Edge does not run OpenStack; it's Kubernetes plus Virtlet. eWeek quotes Mirantis co-founder Boris Renski, "You can still run VMs [virtual machines] using Virtlet, with direct access to hardware acceleration like SRI-OV [Single-Root Input/Output Virtualization], but Kubernetes is the only resource scheduler."

A team of European researchers has created MixedEmotions, an open-source toolkit that can automatically assess emotions in text, audio and video. According to PhysOrg[6], "There is a growing demand for automatic analysis of emotions in different fields. The possible applications are wide, including call centers, smart environments, brand reputation analysis and assistive technology." Read more here[7] about emotion detection and the complexities involved in adapting these tools to other languages.

Red Hat developers are improving the GFS2 filesystem. According to Phoronix[8], "recent developments around the GFS2 shared-disk

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