Bits of my bezel have fallen away.
Well, not mine, but my iPhone 6[1]'s. First the screen cracked, then it fell on the floor yet again -- of its own accord, of course -- and created a shatter pattern and a hole.
It was time, then, to upgrade to a new iPhone[2]. So off I went to a distant Bay Area Apple store[3] to be sold on which one.
I like to go to different Apple stores for, you know, the scenery.
A greeter immediately intercepted me. Is it me, or are they getting a touch more aggressive these days?
She quickly pointed me to the iPhone XS[4] table, but didn't try to persuade me to part with excess cash.
When I asked her what was so good about the XS, she immediately referenced the screen and the camera.
"I'm sorry, but I'm the greeter today. Would you like to talk to a sales specialist?" she quickly added.
How could I not?
Within around 45 seconds a specialist -- let's call her Augusta -- had introduced herself. Within 10 more, I explained that I didn't know whether to get the XS or the XR[5], which Apple had omitted to launch last month with the other two.
"Let's go over to a computer," she said, with the sort of voice I'd last heard saying: "Let's just slide this needle into here. You won't feel a thing."
The Hard Sell? Or the Soft Sell?
On a beautiful wide screen, she brought up the comparative specs, while I brought up what's been bothering me: "Why didn't Apple bring out the