Migrating your website is never an easy task. It requires a lot of careful planning and execution. Even though migration can be hard, if done right, it can open up new opportunities and also solve the problems that you were having with the old hosting platform.

In today’s article, we will be focusing on migrating web hosts[1] without losing SEO. In this guide, we will show you how to migrate to a new web host without losing any SEO value.

1. Revisit your decision to migrate

First things first, you should be clear in your mind about why you are making the migration. A site migration is never an easy thing to do, and it can also result in a temporary traffic loss. With time, your new website (host) will work, and your site will be back where it is. That’s the best possible result you can get.

However, there are a lot of complexities that can arise which can hamper website growth and presence. If you are not able to do things properly, you can land in trouble and lose some precious ranking. In short, revisit your decision and see if the problem can be solved without migration. A migration is worth if you are doing a big rebranding, your hosting is just not providing the required service to sustain, or you are moving to HTTPS. There are other scenarios that you should migrate, and it all depends on what do you think about the situation you are in.

2. Choose the right hosting platform

Now that you have completely made up your mind, the next step is to find a good hosting provider. You can start by reading web host providers reviews[2]

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