Having your own full-fledged website and running it through good rankings is quite an accomplishment. Obviously, there are all kinds of webmasters who resort to adopting the various way to boost their site rankings. These ways can be ethical as well as unethical based on the past experiences of the site owner. However, making these rankings happen without facing recurrent Google Penalties might seem impossible.
One of the most common ways of boosting the rankings[1] of a website is through link building. A great link-building strategy makes sure that your website is receiving ample amount of traffic through all the inbound and outbound links present on your site and other websites that you are exchanging links with. However, a lot of us end up getting penalized by Google for these links or their performance.
These Google Penalties always mean a disadvantage for your business website and an advantage for your competition. So, what are these Google Link penalties exactly and how can one avoid them when implementing new link strategies on their own website?
Let’s find out.
Excessive reciprocal linking
It is an obvious step to reciprocate some favor to a website source that has been linking to your website for quite some time now. This value exchange, however, now has become more of a link building strategy where two website owners might agree to swap links for their mutual benefits. In anyone’s right conscience, this is a bad link strategy that might end up getting penalized. If not meant for value exchange, you must avoid excessive reciprocal linking for your website at all costs, especially if you are new to blogging. [2]
Manual link spam penalty
Google bots are the