News briefs for August 22, 2018.
Mozilla announced major improvements in its open-source Hubs[1], "an experiment to bring Social Mixed Reality to the browser". You now are able to bring videos, images, documents and 3D models into Hubs just by pasting in a link. You can join a room in Hubs and get together with others in Mixed Reality using any VR device or your phone or PC. In addition, any content you upload is available only to others in the room and is encrypted and removed when no longer used. The code for Hubs is available on GitHub[2].
Windmill Enterprise announces it has joined The Linux Foundation to collaborate on EdgeX Foundry[3] and LF Networking (LF)[4]. As part of its work with these projects, "Windmill will incorporate open source, blockchain solutions that enable broader adoption of industrial IoT frameworks into the enterprise. In addition, Windmill will contribute enterprise-class mobile networking security solutions to the largest global open source innovation community." Windmill is also working with the FreeIPA project for identity management. You can learn more here[5].
According to a recent Cloud Foundry Foundation (CFF)[6] survey, Java and JavaScript are the top enterprise languages. See ZDNet for more information on the survey results[7].
The Bodhi Team announced a new major release this morning, version 5.0.0[8]. The announcement notes that the new version doesn't include a ton of changes, but instead "simply serves to bring a modern look and updated Ubuntu core (18.04) to the lightning fast desktop you have come to expect from Bodhi Linux."
Red Hat Linux 7.6 beta is now available. According to the Red Hat blog[9], "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6 beta adds new and enhanced capabilities emphasizing innovations in security and compliance features, management