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Over the years, European Linux power SUSE[1] has changed owners several times.

First, it was acquired by Novell in 2004[2]. Then, Attachmate, with some Microsoft funding, bought Novell and SUSE[3] in 2010. This was followed in 2014, when Micro Focus purchased Attachmate[4] and SUSE was spun off as an independent division. Now, SUSE has announced[5] EQT[6] will buy it from Micro Focus for $2.5 billion.

The acquisition is subject to Micro Focus[7] shareholder and regulatory approvals. It's expected to go through in early 2019.

Read also: How to find the right Linux distribution for you - TechRepublic[8]

EQT is a Swedish-based private equity firm with €50 billion in raised capital. The company's overarching goal is to transform its acquisitions "into great and sustainable companies[9] by making genuine, permanent improvements." EQT also believes that environmental, social, and corporate governance factors are fundamental to business success and strong investment performance. Open-source software fits well nicely with EQT's social responsibility mission.

Micro Focus, which has seen losses in recent months as well as the resignation of its CEO[10], will appreciate the forth-coming cash infusion. Its stock, while still over 50 percent down from its 52-week high, saw a modest bump from news of the sale.

With this new ownership, SUSE expects to further its Linux offerings and its emerging open-source cloud and container product groups. After the acquisition, SUSE expects to operate globally as an independent company. To ensure continuity, SUSE expects staffing, customer relationships, partnerships, product and service offering, commitment

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