ZDNet's Business Bargain Hunter scours the web for great deals on computers, phones, services and much more. Prices and availability are accurate at the time deals are shared. Some products and services may not be available outside the U.S. Follow BBH on Facebook[1] and Twitter[2], where he's known as The Cheapskate. Plus: You'll find more Cheapskate deals on CNET.[3]
Quick housekeeping note: I'm on vacation for the next two weeks, but rest assured I'll have plenty of new deals lined up when I return. In the meantime, be sure to follow my Cheapskate blog[4] over at CNET. The deals there will keep on comin', even in my absence.
I'm sure no employer wants to go all Big Brother on workers, but when you're talking about company-issued phones being used for company purposes, well, I'd say it's both acceptable and important.
I mean, suppose an employee is texting inappropriately? Or using a company vehicle for personal errands? You'd want to know, right?
Enter FoneMonitor[5] for Android, which allows you to track things like calls, messages, photos, location (including geofences) and more. (There's an iOS version as well[6]; see below.)
The service has Premium and Ultimate subscription options starting at $29.99 per month, but for a limited time, BBH readers can get 20 percent off any plan[7] with promo code SENMKT07.
In my humble opinion, the smart buy is the 1-year Ultimate subscription, which is normally $99.99 (only $10 more than Premium) -- but $79.99 with the code.
The key difference between the two tiers: a keylogger. With Ultimate you can monitor every