Because customer experience[1] is genuinely important, it has become one of the great buzzwords of our time. Along with stalwart mediaspeak terms like digital transformation and artificial intelligence, customer experience occupies a hallowed place in the modern jargon hall of fame.
Creating a great experience is dang hard because it demands that we rethink all the touchpoints and interactions[2] a customer has with our company, brand, reputation, products, and services. Although we can control some of these interaction points - for example, the products we release - we can only influence other factors, such as brand reputation or how customers talk about us.
However, despite the difficulty, creating positive customer experiences is superlatively important for every business today.
For this reason, I invited a major customer experience practitioner to be a guest on episode 290[3] of the CXOTalk series of conversations with the world's top innovators.
Dutta Satadip[4] is the Global Head of Customer Operations at Pinterest[5]. His describes his mandate at Pinterest as, "bringing customers to the center of how we operate as a business." Before Pinterest, Dutta ran customer success for the Americas at Google.
During our in-depth conversation, Dutta explains his view of customer experience and describes his approach to investment and measurement with data.
Watch our entire conversation in the video embedded above and read the edited comments that follow. You can also see the complete transcript[6].
What is customer experience?
Dutta Satadip: Customer experience is effectively the sum of all the interactions that any customer or user has with the business. And, the reason I say it's all the touchpoints because