Video: NSW opens applications for joint R&D program
(Image: JFrog)JFrog software[1] automatically distributes trusted software releases.
It enables developers and DevOps engineers to connect to end devices and ensures software flows quickly and free from interruption.
It can support deployment on-premise, to the cloud, or a hybrid environment.
The software update process runs automatically.
It integrates with all environments and tool stacks. REST APIs enable the pipeline to be automated to speed up software releases.
The solution supports end-to-end binary management, which simplifies working with different software package management systems and workflows.
The solution transitions artifacts from development to distribution, granting access to specific repositories or packages, and delivers usage reports per business unit or repository to enable chargebacks to be delivered across the business. Artifacts can be analysed, metadata added, and components scanned.
A dashboard solution enables users to configure and view all services under administrative control wherever they are across the enterprise.
(Image: Iguazio)Iguazio is a real time continuous analytics platform[2] that runs as a Platform as a Service (PaaS).
It continuously takes in data from multiple sources, organises and integrates the data, and quickly analyses it.
The data is placed into logical data containers, enabling the data to be shared between teams across the organisation.
These data containers can be mapped to business applications to control billing and can be managed by policies.
Policies can be defined as hierarchical multi-layered fine-grained policies and optimised by rules and tasks. These rules can specify actions for networks, identity, tags, metadata, and content fields.
The policies can define data placement, retention, data import or