Unisys Australia has announced its financial results for 2017, bouncing back from its 2016 AU$3.3 million loss[1] to report AU$4 million in after-tax profit.
For the 12 months to December 31, 2017, the local chapter recorded AU$5.8 million in pre-tax profit, making a AU$1.7 million payment to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) after being handed a AU$1.3 million income tax benefit for 2016.
With 969 staff members operating the company's Australian business, Unisys told the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) that its primary activities down under include the delivery of "high-performance, security-centric, leveraged services across industries, industry-specific application products, and technology solutions" -- IT services.
"Within services, our principal solutions include cloud and infrastructure services, application services, and business process outsourcing services ... to our primary target markets: Government, commercial, and financial services," the company continued.
Revenue was only marginally up from the previous year, totalling AU$241 million. Revenue for 2016 was AU$237 million.
Services revenue reached AU$223.2 million, while sales revenue was AU$17.8 million for 2017.
In its ASIC filing, current tax was itemised with a value of zero, while deferred tax was listed as AU$2.6 million. Receipts from customers totalled AU$260.5 million for the 12-month period, while payments to suppliers came to AU$247.7 million.
Unisys Australia is a for-profit company limited by shares incorporated in Australia. The immediate parent entity of the company is Unisys Global Holding BV, with the ultimate parent being Unisys Corporation, which owns 100 percent of the ordinary shares.
Unisys Australia paid AU$21.5 million in royalties during 2017 to its parent company.
"In 2017, Unisys Australia, as the head entity of the tax consolidated group, assumed current tax liabilities -- including return to