News briefs for April 5, 2018.
Subutai recently announced[1] that its Subutai Blockchain Router v2.0 is in production: "This broadband cloud router serves as a 'plug-and-play' cryptocurrency wallet and mining device with energy savings of 10x over traditional mining methods, and also allows users to share and rent their idle computer resources by registering their computers with the Subutai Bazaar."
NixOS released[2] version 18.03 "Impala" yesterday. Highlights include "core version changes: linux: 4.9 -> 4.14, glibc: 2.25 -> 2.26, gcc: 6 -> 7, systemd: 234 -> 237"; "desktop version changes: gnome: 3.24 -> 3.26, (KDE) plasma-desktop: 5.10 -> 5.12"; the Nix package manager now defaults to 2.0 and more.
Matthew Garrett wrote a blog post[3] yesterday titled "Linux Kernel Lockdown and UEFI Secure Boot" to elaborate on the kernel lockdown feature being paired with UEFI SecureBoot, in response to discussion on the LKML.
The Slimbook Curve—a new cool-looking, all-in-one Linux PC with a 24" full-HD curved screen—is now available from Spanish company Slimbook[4]. See the OMG Ubuntu post[5] for specs and pricing info.
LibreOffice 6.0.3 is available for download[6]. This is the third minor release of LibreOffice 6, and it has about 70 bug and regression fixes. This version "represents the bleeding edge in terms of features and as such is targeted at early adopters, tech-savvy and power users, while LibreOffice 5.4.6—provided as an alternative download option—is targeted at mainstream users and enterprise deployments."